What's On My Mind Today?

"You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one" --John Lennon

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Photo's from Snow Storm 2006

I finally uploaded some of the photo's I took during our snow storm a week ago. I know...I know. It took me a while to upload them but they are finally there. Enjoy.

The steps outside of our front door after Matt shoveled during lunch.
It snowed more after wards and we had to shovel again.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Okay...so I thought I was seeing and hearing things this morning when I was on the phone with my mother but I guess I was not. Between 9:30 and 10:00 I swore I saw flashes of lightening and heard thunder. But how could that be? I decided that the thunder sounds were just the wind and the lightening was due to snowplows (which at 5:17 p.m. still have not touched a plow to our street or our parking lot). Well, apparently it is an unusual phenomenon called "thundersnow." I was not the only person who saw it this morning either. People must have contacted WISC-TV wanting to know what was going on. The definition they gave me on WISC-TV was not clear so I googled it. Apparently thundersnow is:

a particularly rare meteorological phenomenon that includes the typical behavior of a thunderstorm but with snow falling as the primary precipitation instead of rain. (-en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thundersnow)

I am so glad that I am not crazy. Thank you WISC-TV for letting me know that I am still sane and not seeing or hearing things (this time).


It's official. WISC-TV meteorologist Jeff Smith said we got 7 inches of snow since last night. And we are in for even more by tomorrow. Now they are saying we could get 7-14 inches of snow instead of the previously stated 9-13 (okay...not much difference, why the change?). They still have not plowed our street and probably will not until the wee hours of the morning. Wonder if the apartment plows will be plowing our parking lot again at 3 in the morning. Yeah...that's a great sound to wake up to in the middle of the night....cannot wait.

Snow Day

Well, it's official. Madison Public Schools cancelled school because of inclinement weather. This has not happened for at least 5 years according to the morning news. That's a wow in my book. Madison usually does not close school because of snow (we have a large amount of homeless children and latch-key kids). We are a fairly large city and have lots of snowplows that keep the main roads open. They closed the schools today, not because of the snow we got over night, but because of the snow we got this morning. They called it "whiteout conditions," which means the snow is so dense that visibility is very low to none.

We are supposed to be getting snow through tonight. By the end of it, we should have 9-13 inches of snow on the ground. I have no idea how much snow we have gotten so far, and I cannot seem to find it on any of the news stations. I guess they will release that when it's all over with. I know it will not be anything like New York and the East Coast got this past weekend.

I will find out if school is closed on Friday, tomorrow morning. They will release that information at 6 a.m. So I guess I will be up early again to find out if I have to go to school. Yeah! I do have to say that I am kind of glad school was canceled today because I was dreading recess duty this morning. I really did not want to go outside with the children in the snow today. So, as Martha says, It's a good thing. :)

I may venture out later today or tomorrow to take photo's. If I do, I will post an update and let my readers know I have pictures.

Edgewood College even closed today (well, a little late...10 a.m.). Makes me wonder if anyone actually showed up to classes and work today for them to actually close.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Just wanted to wish everyone out there a

Happy Valentine's Day

Do you know why we celebrate Valentine's Day? I had an idea but was not real sure so I looked it up. Take a few moments and read a bit about it's history.

Have a wonderful day all!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What Happened the Year You Graduated High School?

I was watching a re-run of "I Love the 90's" on VH1 today and one of the years they did was 1998. This was the year that I graduated from high school. It's amazing what happens in a year and how much you really forget. WOW. So, here's what happened in 1998:
And so much more. All information was found on Wikipedia.

So, what was a major thing that happened in the world, your town/city, the state, or whatever when you graduated from high school? You can search the year on Wikipedia's website. Lemme know. It's interesting stuff.

See ya!