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Okay so I'm horrible at keeping this blog up to date lately. We've seen a lot of movies since I posted last (in February).
Public Enemies was okay. I was expecting more. Michael Mann (director) didn't Hollywood the movie up any so the gun fights and such were just eh. Nothing spectacular. I wanted to see it on the big screen because the husband of a lady I work with was an extra. I didn't see him though. :( I would wait till it comes out on DVD to see it.
Star Trek was FANTASTIC! Though I've heard from friends who never watched any Star Trek that they didn't like it. I loved it though. The casting was fantastic and the writing was great. I could have done without Leonard Nemoy's monkey looking face. I highly recommend seeing this movie. I think it will be added to my movie collection when it hits DVD. :)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine was okay. It was worth seeing once. Oh and Hugh Jackman is half naked throughout the movie. Oh...and he is naked for a little while too. Nice tush! :) I will probably not be adding this to my DVD collection though.
Land of the Lost could only be appreciated by those of us who use to watch the old TV show. I thought it was hilarious. Maybe not funny enough to add to my DVD collection but I'd watch it again.
The Hangover was quite possibly the FUNNIEST movie of the year. I laughed so much my cheeks and stomach hurt. This movie was produced by the same guy who did Old School and is just as funny if not funnier. I even laugh every time I see the trailer for it. It's just too funny. I highly recommend it!
Up is a really good movie. Bring tissues. I cried like a baby. I don’t think I’d take a child under 5 or so to see it. It was very well done but I think there should be a warning about the movie’s deep emotions. This movie is about a boy who meets a girl. They both share the same dreams of following in the footsteps of their childhood hero (an explorer kind of like Lindbergh). They marry and live a happy life together. The first part of the movie is seen as memories which made me cry so much! Like I said…take tissues! The second part of the movie is the boy, all grown up now, trying to find this awesome place that his hero discovered. He hooks many many balloons up to his house and floats away. The rest of the movie follows the travels of this guy and his balloon house. Very good movie. Go see it, with tissues, and enjoy it.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the newest installment of the Harry Potter movies. It was least favorite book (and movie) though. It is a must see before you can see the last movie though. It answers a lot of questions and leaves you with even more.
The Proposal was a very cute movie. It was nice and not a thinking movie. It is one of those movies you can watch and not have to think about what's going on. Very nice. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are great in the movie.
I know we've seen more movies since February but I can't remember them right now. On to other news.
I'm still working as a 3 year old teacher at a daycare. Loving the job too. Matt is still working at Epic. He is going to be moving to the Verona campus soon. They say he'll be there by August 5th...we'll see. We got to tour the new building on July 18th during the Epicnic (Epic Picnic). It's looking nice but no where near completion and I don't think it'll be ready to be moved into by the 5th of August.
Oh...and on a very exciting note....Matthew and I will be having a baby! We are due onNovember 26th. We just found out that we are having a girl on July 21st. We are very excited. Here is a 4D picture of our little girl. She's so cute. Matt says she has his nose. :)

Public Enemies was okay. I was expecting more. Michael Mann (director) didn't Hollywood the movie up any so the gun fights and such were just eh. Nothing spectacular. I wanted to see it on the big screen because the husband of a lady I work with was an extra. I didn't see him though. :( I would wait till it comes out on DVD to see it.
Star Trek was FANTASTIC! Though I've heard from friends who never watched any Star Trek that they didn't like it. I loved it though. The casting was fantastic and the writing was great. I could have done without Leonard Nemoy's monkey looking face. I highly recommend seeing this movie. I think it will be added to my movie collection when it hits DVD. :)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine was okay. It was worth seeing once. Oh and Hugh Jackman is half naked throughout the movie. Oh...and he is naked for a little while too. Nice tush! :) I will probably not be adding this to my DVD collection though.
Land of the Lost could only be appreciated by those of us who use to watch the old TV show. I thought it was hilarious. Maybe not funny enough to add to my DVD collection but I'd watch it again.
The Hangover was quite possibly the FUNNIEST movie of the year. I laughed so much my cheeks and stomach hurt. This movie was produced by the same guy who did Old School and is just as funny if not funnier. I even laugh every time I see the trailer for it. It's just too funny. I highly recommend it!
Up is a really good movie. Bring tissues. I cried like a baby. I don’t think I’d take a child under 5 or so to see it. It was very well done but I think there should be a warning about the movie’s deep emotions. This movie is about a boy who meets a girl. They both share the same dreams of following in the footsteps of their childhood hero (an explorer kind of like Lindbergh). They marry and live a happy life together. The first part of the movie is seen as memories which made me cry so much! Like I said…take tissues! The second part of the movie is the boy, all grown up now, trying to find this awesome place that his hero discovered. He hooks many many balloons up to his house and floats away. The rest of the movie follows the travels of this guy and his balloon house. Very good movie. Go see it, with tissues, and enjoy it.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the newest installment of the Harry Potter movies. It was least favorite book (and movie) though. It is a must see before you can see the last movie though. It answers a lot of questions and leaves you with even more.
The Proposal was a very cute movie. It was nice and not a thinking movie. It is one of those movies you can watch and not have to think about what's going on. Very nice. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are great in the movie.
I know we've seen more movies since February but I can't remember them right now. On to other news.
I'm still working as a 3 year old teacher at a daycare. Loving the job too. Matt is still working at Epic. He is going to be moving to the Verona campus soon. They say he'll be there by August 5th...we'll see. We got to tour the new building on July 18th during the Epicnic (Epic Picnic). It's looking nice but no where near completion and I don't think it'll be ready to be moved into by the 5th of August.
Oh...and on a very exciting note....Matthew and I will be having a baby! We are due on

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