What's On My Mind Today?

"You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one" --John Lennon

Friday, July 24, 2009

Back to blogging.

Okay so I'm horrible at keeping this blog up to date lately. We've seen a lot of movies since I posted last (in February).

Public Enemies was okay. I was expecting more. Michael Mann (director) didn't Hollywood the movie up any so the gun fights and such were just eh. Nothing spectacular. I wanted to see it on the big screen because the husband of a lady I work with was an extra. I didn't see him though. :( I would wait till it comes out on DVD to see it.

Star Trek was FANTASTIC! Though I've heard from friends who never watched any Star Trek that they didn't like it. I loved it though. The casting was fantastic and the writing was great. I could have done without Leonard Nemoy's monkey looking face. I highly recommend seeing this movie. I think it will be added to my movie collection when it hits DVD. :)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was okay. It was worth seeing once. Oh and Hugh Jackman is half naked throughout the movie. Oh...and he is naked for a little while too. Nice tush! :) I will probably not be adding this to my DVD collection though.

Land of the Lost could only be appreciated by those of us who use to watch the old TV show. I thought it was hilarious. Maybe not funny enough to add to my DVD collection but I'd watch it again.

The Hangover was quite possibly the FUNNIEST movie of the year. I laughed so much my cheeks and stomach hurt. This movie was produced by the same guy who did Old School and is just as funny if not funnier. I even laugh every time I see the trailer for it. It's just too funny. I highly recommend it!

Up is a really good movie. Bring tissues. I cried like a baby. I don’t think I’d take a child under 5 or so to see it. It was very well done but I think there should be a warning about the movie’s deep emotions. This movie is about a boy who meets a girl. They both share the same dreams of following in the footsteps of their childhood hero (an explorer kind of like Lindbergh). They marry and live a happy life together. The first part of the movie is seen as memories which made me cry so much! Like I said…take tissues! The second part of the movie is the boy, all grown up now, trying to find this awesome place that his hero discovered. He hooks many many balloons up to his house and floats away. The rest of the movie follows the travels of this guy and his balloon house. Very good movie. Go see it, with tissues, and enjoy it.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the newest installment of the Harry Potter movies. It was good...my least favorite book (and movie) though. It is a must see before you can see the last movie though. It answers a lot of questions and leaves you with even more.

The Proposal was a very cute movie. It was nice and not a thinking movie. It is one of those movies you can watch and not have to think about what's going on. Very nice. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are great in the movie.

I know we've seen more movies since February but I can't remember them right now. On to other news.

I'm still working as a 3 year old teacher at a daycare. Loving the job too. Matt is still working at Epic. He is going to be moving to the Verona campus soon. They say he'll be there by August 5th...we'll see. We got to tour the new building on July 18th during the Epicnic (Epic Picnic). It's looking nice but no where near completion and I don't think it'll be ready to be moved into by the 5th of August.

Oh...and on a very exciting note....Matthew and I will be having a baby! We are due on
November 26th. We just found out that we are having a girl on July 21st. We are very excited. Here is a 4D picture of our little girl. She's so cute. Matt says she has his nose. :)

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Matt and I saw Taken today. It was pretty good. I really enjoy watching Liam Neeson kick some ass. :) We both enjoyed the movie. It was action packed! I recommend it.

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Movies I want to see in 2009

Here is a link of movies I want to see in 2009. My list may not be great but whatever. Movies
with * are movies I'm really looking forward to seeing. I'm sure I'll be updating this list as I see the listed movies or as more come out that I want to see. :)

*Confessions of a Shopaholic
Miss March
I Love You Man
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
*Star Trek
The Brothers Bloom
Terminator Salvation
*Land of the Lost
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
*Public Enemies
*Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
*New Moon
*Lovely Bones

Heather :)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm back!

Well...I just realized I haven't posted since 2007! OMG! I'm sorry to all my loyal readers. It's been really busy the last year and a half (or so). Lets see....what's happened since my last post?

*Matt and I adopted a cat from the Dane County Humane Society. His name is Brody. He turns 3 in March. We adopted him February 2008. He was my Valentine's present from Matthew. :)


*Also in February 2008, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. Man am I glad I only had 2 wisdom teeth. My dentist said the upper ones never developed which was okay with me cause I never want to go through that again. My mouth hurt so bad. But all is well now. :)

*We went to BrewFest again. It was a lot of fun. Our friends Julie and Chuck came up from Chicago to go. We are planning on going again this year (August 8th...tickets go on sale May 3rd).

*I got a raise at work and a kind of promotion. I am now Field Trip Coordinator and teacher. This job kind of sucks but I like the raise that went with it so I'm not gonna complain about it much. :)

*We bought a house! We found the perfect little house in Oregon, WI in July 2008 and moved in August 1st.

*I read and thoroughly enjoyed Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series. I saw the movie "Twilight" 4 times. :) I just finished reading her other book "The Host." It was really good and I recommend it to you if you liked her Twilight series and if you like sci-fi stories.

*We had record snowfall in 2007-2008. Southern Wisconsin got over 100 inches for the winter season ( 101.4" to be exact). Sucked! I'm not sure how much we've had this year. I'll post that number as soon as I find out. We've had a lot of cold days this year. School closed 3 times this year. Once for snow and the other two were for wind chills. It's crazy.

*Matt got me a new camera for my birthday. It's so nice having a camera that takes decent pictures and doesn't have lag time between shots. It's an EOS Digital Canon Rebel XTI. I love it!

*I voted for Obama!

*One of my good friends from up here moved to Maui. I miss her. She's only going to be there for a while (unless she likes teaching there) but I still miss her.

*I saw Blue Man Group again. Still as good as the first time. :)

*We just saw Sweeney Todd at the Overture Center last weekend. It was fantastic! We saw Spam-A-Lot last year. We also saw Capitol Steps and Last Comic Standing. We also have tickets to see Cirque Eloize and Stomp. Spam-A-Lot was great. Capitol Steps was not (we actually left at intermission) and Last Comic Standing was fun. We got to see John Reep, Lavelle Crawford, Gerry Dee, Amy Schumer, and Ralph Harris. They were the final 5 of Season 5 (summer 2007). I'm excited to see Cirque Elioize and Stomp.

*I participated in the Madison Area Down Syndrome Societies Buddy Walk again last year and will do so again this year. We didn't have the walk last year though. It was rained out. :( I did raise $235.00. Our team raised over $1000. Lets hope we get to walk this year and raise even more money. Even though the walk was canceled, we raised $80,000!

I can't remember what else went on between the last post and now. I'm sure I've forgotten things. But it's late and I'll post more in a few days. Sorry again about the delay in posts. :)

Till then!
Heather :)

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Buddy Walk 2007

A big thanks to all the participants, volunteers, and everyone who donated to support this year's Buddy Walk.

Thank you to all who supported the Jay Walkers. You helped me raise $250.00 this year. My team only raised $445.00. We had a few complications this year and did not get to raise the money we had planned. We will return next year in full force though. I ended up strictly volunteering this year because of the team complications. I was the sole Jay Walker this year. I will post a team picture as soon as I get it. :)

I also got to be on the local news last week to talk about volunteering at Buddy Walk. It was so cool.

I will be posting updates to how many walkers we had and how much we raised total. Check back often.

Thank you again!

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Monday, September 03, 2007


Bear with me...I have been busy since we got back from Florida. I will try to be better at posting. But I probably will not be posting until after the move. See you then.


Big Move

Well, Matt and I have finally decided to move. We are tired of our current neighborhood. It has really gone downhill since we moved in 3 1/2 years ago. I love the apartment but cannot live with the neighbors. I have no problems with the ones living in our building but the ones in the building next to us and across the street are awful. The neighborhood is really getting bad. It is time to move.

We are in the process of moving to a nicer neighborhood. We will be living across the courtyard from my best friend Alanna. :) I'm excited. I will try to get pictures and post some in the next few weeks.


I am employed!

I finally got a job! Well, it is not my dream job but hey...at least I am teaching. I sent so many resumes out and got very little responses. I posted my resume on Jobs in Madison and I got contacted the next day by a preschool, Tanya's Big House for Kids, looking for an Early Childhood teacher for their 3 year old room. I got the job. The job is great. The kids are great. My coworkers are great. I really like it. Wish me luck!

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Buddy Walk 2007

Hi everyone!

It is that time of year again. The Madison Area Down Syndrome Societies Buddy Walk will be on Sunday, September 30. I will be walking again this year. If you would like to sponsor me, please do so. I am trying to raise $200 this year (hoping to raise more). Help me make this goal. If you cannot donate online, contact me and I will let you know how to do so other ways.


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Alice Cooper

Okay...so I won tickets to see Alice Cooper at the Dodge County Fair. Yes, I for some reason, entered to win tickets to see Alice Cooper in concert. And go figure, me of all people, win tickets. Thank you WIBA FM. This was probably the first time Matt has EVER been excited about something I have won. But we had a blast. He puts on quite a show. We will definitely see him in concert again if he comes back to this area. I tried to take lots of pictures and videos. The quality of the following video is not that great but hey....I tried.

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Florida trip 2007

In July, we went back to Florida for some much needed rest after the wedding. We went to my family reunion, visited my brother in Sarasota, saw a man getting a blow job on the beach in Sarasota, Matt's mom threw us a party (reception after the wedding), went swimming and sunning at Anastasia State Park, and lots more.

On the way down, we took some extra time and went sight seeing. We stayed outside of Indianapolis, Nashville, and Charlotte. Spent all most all day in the Smokey Mountains sight seeing. Spent a few hours in Charlotte. Went to Saint Simon's Island outside of Brunswick, GA. Climbed the lighthouse there too. It was beautiful.

We had a lot of fun on the way down and while we were in Florida. But it is always nice to sleep in your own bed when you get home.

Here are some pictures.Matt posing for a picture in the river in the Smokies.
How the Smokies got its name.

Me and Matt at the top of the light house in St. Simon's Island.

Said light house.

Campbell/Hemphill Family Reunion.

Melinda and Steele, my mom, Me, and Matt at our party that Matt's mom threw us at Ravine Gardens.

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Brew Fest 2007

On August 11th, Matt and I attended the Great Taste of the Midwest (or Brew Fest) for the third year now. We had a blast even if none of our friends came with us.

We drank lots of great beer. Saw lots of interesting folk. Met some people from Florida, Louisiana, Texas, South Carolina, and Alabama. Matt wore his Florida Gator's shirt and got many comments. This is how we met these friendly people. We also saw a burlesque show from the girls at Belmont Burlesque in Chicago.

We had a blast and will be going back again next year. Wanna go? Tickets go on sale May 2008.

Happy Drinking!Mmm....beer. I think this was an IPA.

Burlesque Show

And this guy!

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Bourne Ultimatum

Matt and I saw the Bourne Ultimatum a few weeks ago. I thought it was pretty good. Much better than the last one. I got sick watching the last one...the camera moved around too much.

Go see it!

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Monday, July 30, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

Matt and I saw The Simpsons Movie last night with our friends Chris and Alanna. I thought it was pretty funny. Everyone I have talked to has really liked it too. I recommend seeing it if you are a Simpsons fan. Go see it, let me know what you think.

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Matt and I took his nephew to see the new Harry Potter movie while we were in Florida. It was good, at least Matt and I liked it. I do not think Tate enjoyed it though. I think he was bored through most of the movie. It was pretty dark and he probably did not understand it.

I recommend seeing it if you have not. I enjoyed it and Matt seemed to like it too.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Ocean's Thirteen

Matthew and I went to see Ocean's Thirteen last night. I really enjoyed it. It was better than the second one.

I think the chemistry between the characters is great. I recommend it. Go see it. Let me know what you think.

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Wednesday, a friend and I went to see Ratatouille. I thought it was very cute. I do not know if little kids would enjoy it or not but I sure did. Go see it or not.

Ratatouille is a cute little movie about a rat, of all animals, who aspires to be a chef. Helping him, is a human, Linguini. Ratatouille ends up being a chef at the end and wins the taste buds of a food critic, Anton Ego (voiced by the great Peter O'Toole).

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