What's On My Mind Today?

"You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one" --John Lennon

Monday, November 27, 2006

Say Thanks to our Troops

A friend of mine recently posted this link to my Myspace.com bulletin board. It is such a great idea that I decided to share it with my readers.

Xerox Corporation
launched this website back in June. It is a free service that allows the public to send a thank you card to US military personnel serving overseas. This service allows you to pick a pre-made card from their website and personalize it with your own message. These messages are sent on postcards that have been designed by children (so they are cute). After you personalize your card, it will be printed and sent (once a month) to men and women deployed on active duty with all branches of the armed service in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. You cannot choose who gets the card, but that does not matter.

Take a few minutes out of your day and say thanks to those who are protecting our freedom.

Thank you!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


It is still great to be a



Gators 21


Seminoles 14

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


We hope you all have a


Sunday, November 19, 2006


I decided to write a blog about the movies Matthew and I have seen at the theater this year. This is kind of a movie review blog. I think I will start with the most recent movies.
Movie Heather's Review Matthew's Review
Casino Royale Too long Best Bond movie yet
The Departed Good...ending needed work Pretty good but ending wasn't good
The Grudge 2 CREEPY! Not as good as 1st but scarrier
Jackass 2 Funny yet disturbing Alright...not as good as 1st
School for Scoundrels SUCKED Just bad
Beerfest Funny Pretty good for silly
Clerks 2 Not bad...good to see the gang again Was like watching the original with older cast
Talladega Nights I think only a NASCAR fan can appreciate it Eh...mediocre (he's not a NASCAR fan)
Pirates of the Carribean: DMC Not bad...hate cliff hangers Not as good as the first
IMAX Superman Returns
Eh...Hated IMAX Nice but not with IMAX
Cars Very cute...I liked it Not the best Pixar movie
X-Men 3 Not bad Weakest X-Men movie yet
Scary Movie 4 LOL...can't remember much about it Not memorable
The Libertine Eh...not that good. Didn't see it
V for Vendetta Didn't see it Pretty good...IMAX!
Date Movie Some funny scenes but awful Not great at all
King Kong Great remake. I love PJ. Too long but pretty good

I am sure we have seen more movies than this. I just cannot remember what they were at this moment. Hmm....

I did finally see V for Vendetta on DVD. I thought it was very good and wish I would have gone to see it at the IMAX theater here. Oh well.

Well, I have to get back to watching my NASCAR race (hey...it is the last race of the season until February...what am I going to do for 3 months?).

Catch ya'll later!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Damn it is good to be a Gator!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Dad.

Happy birthday to you!!!

Happy birthday dad!!!

Election Day

Tuesday is election day...GO OUT AND VOTE!!!