Photo credit: http://www.impawards.com/2005/king_kong_ver3.html
Matthew and I saw
King Kong last night. I thought it was a great movie. Kudo's to
Peter Jackson once again. I think PJ is the best director of our time. No one else could have taken
J.R.R. Tolkien's classic
Lord of the Rings Trilogy and made it into the epic movies that they were (
people tried and they failed).
I enjoyed the original 1933
Merian C. Cooper version of
King Kong a lot. It is a classic and there is no way around that. It was one of the classics (
Citizen Kane,
Birth of a Nation,
Casablanca, and many more) we studied it in a
Film Noir class at
SJRCC. It is a great movie.
I very much enjoyed PJ's version of this classic. It ran three hours and seven minutes, twice as long as the original (but then PJ is really good at making loooong movies). It varied from the original but I expected that. I thought the islanders were so much more creepier in PJ's version. I also have to admit that PJ's verision of King Kong had a certian "creep me out" factor. I do not want to ruin anything for anyone who has not seen the movie yet but beware of ginormous bugs. Eeks. Leave it to PJ to come up with ginormous creepy crawly bugs.
I had a lot of fun reading the posts on the
IMDB Message Boards for King KongThey were very comical and interesting. If you get a chance, head over there and read some. I must warn you, if you have not seen the movie, beware that there are some spoilers.
Again, PJ has done a great job casting.
Naomi Watts was a great Ann Darrow (no
Fay Wray but hey) and surprisingly enough,
Jack Black actually did a good job playing a straight man (Carl Denham). I was not sure about Jack Black being cast in a movie that was all serious with no dick and fart jokes but it worked out. Who knew? I also thought his casting of
Adrian Brody as Jack Driscoll was a good one. He is just so cute. And what PJ movie is complete without
Andy Serkis (Lumpy and Kong)? Oh yeah...you have to look hard but PJ made it into this one too (but I will not give it away...message me if you really want to know).
Okay, so in all...I ENJOYED THIS MOVIE. I hope PJ gets some kind of recognition (OSCAR) for this remake.
Matt and I give it two thumbs up. Go see it.