I'm back!
Well...I just realized I haven't posted since 2007! OMG! I'm sorry to all my loyal readers. It's been really busy the last year and a half (or so). Lets see....what's happened since my last post?
*Matt and I adopted a cat from the Dane County Humane Society. His name is Brody. He turns 3 in March. We adopted him February 2008. He was my Valentine's present from Matthew. :)

*Also in February 2008, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. Man am I glad I only had 2 wisdom teeth. My dentist said the upper ones never developed which was okay with me cause I never want to go through that again. My mouth hurt so bad. But all is well now. :)
*We went to BrewFest again. It was a lot of fun. Our friends Julie and Chuck came up from Chicago to go. We are planning on going again this year (August 8th...tickets go on sale May 3rd).
*I got a raise at work and a kind of promotion. I am now Field Trip Coordinator and teacher. This job kind of sucks but I like the raise that went with it so I'm not gonna complain about it much. :)
*We bought a house! We found the perfect little house in Oregon, WI in July 2008 and moved in August 1st.
*I read and thoroughly enjoyed Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series. I saw the movie "Twilight" 4 times. :) I just finished reading her other book "The Host." It was really good and I recommend it to you if you liked her Twilight series and if you like sci-fi stories.
*We had record snowfall in 2007-2008. Southern Wisconsin got over 100 inches for the winter season ( 101.4" to be exact). Sucked! I'm not sure how much we've had this year. I'll post that number as soon as I find out. We've had a lot of cold days this year. School closed 3 times this year. Once for snow and the other two were for wind chills. It's crazy.
*Matt got me a new camera for my birthday. It's so nice having a camera that takes decent pictures and doesn't have lag time between shots. It's an EOS Digital Canon Rebel XTI. I love it!
*I voted for Obama!
*One of my good friends from up here moved to Maui. I miss her. She's only going to be there for a while (unless she likes teaching there) but I still miss her.
*I saw Blue Man Group again. Still as good as the first time. :)
*We just saw Sweeney Todd at the Overture Center last weekend. It was fantastic! We saw Spam-A-Lot last year. We also saw Capitol Steps and Last Comic Standing. We also have tickets to see Cirque Eloize and Stomp. Spam-A-Lot was great. Capitol Steps was not (we actually left at intermission) and Last Comic Standing was fun. We got to see John Reep, Lavelle Crawford, Gerry Dee, Amy Schumer, and Ralph Harris. They were the final 5 of Season 5 (summer 2007). I'm excited to see Cirque Elioize and Stomp.
*I participated in the Madison Area Down Syndrome Societies Buddy Walk again last year and will do so again this year. We didn't have the walk last year though. It was rained out. :( I did raise $235.00. Our team raised over $1000. Lets hope we get to walk this year and raise even more money. Even though the walk was canceled, we raised $80,000!
I can't remember what else went on between the last post and now. I'm sure I've forgotten things. But it's late and I'll post more in a few days. Sorry again about the delay in posts. :)
Till then!
Heather :)
*We went to BrewFest again. It was a lot of fun. Our friends Julie and Chuck came up from Chicago to go. We are planning on going again this year (August 8th...tickets go on sale May 3rd).
*I got a raise at work and a kind of promotion. I am now Field Trip Coordinator and teacher. This job kind of sucks but I like the raise that went with it so I'm not gonna complain about it much. :)
*We bought a house! We found the perfect little house in Oregon, WI in July 2008 and moved in August 1st.
*We had record snowfall in 2007-2008. Southern Wisconsin got over 100 inches for the winter season ( 101.4" to be exact). Sucked! I'm not sure how much we've had this year. I'll post that number as soon as I find out. We've had a lot of cold days this year. School closed 3 times this year. Once for snow and the other two were for wind chills. It's crazy.
*Matt got me a new camera for my birthday. It's so nice having a camera that takes decent pictures and doesn't have lag time between shots. It's an EOS Digital Canon Rebel XTI. I love it!
*I voted for Obama!
*One of my good friends from up here moved to Maui. I miss her. She's only going to be there for a while (unless she likes teaching there) but I still miss her.
*I saw Blue Man Group again. Still as good as the first time. :)
*We just saw Sweeney Todd at the Overture Center last weekend. It was fantastic! We saw Spam-A-Lot last year. We also saw Capitol Steps and Last Comic Standing. We also have tickets to see Cirque Eloize and Stomp. Spam-A-Lot was great. Capitol Steps was not (we actually left at intermission) and Last Comic Standing was fun. We got to see John Reep, Lavelle Crawford, Gerry Dee, Amy Schumer, and Ralph Harris. They were the final 5 of Season 5 (summer 2007). I'm excited to see Cirque Elioize and Stomp.
*I participated in the Madison Area Down Syndrome Societies Buddy Walk again last year and will do so again this year. We didn't have the walk last year though. It was rained out. :( I did raise $235.00. Our team raised over $1000. Lets hope we get to walk this year and raise even more money. Even though the walk was canceled, we raised $80,000!
I can't remember what else went on between the last post and now. I'm sure I've forgotten things. But it's late and I'll post more in a few days. Sorry again about the delay in posts. :)
Till then!
Heather :)
Labels: Brody, DCHS, Madison Area Down Syndrome Society, MADSS, Matthew, New House, snow, Update, wisconsin