Blast at Brew Fest

Lines at Brew Fest.
Yesterday Matt and I went to our first Great Taste of the Midwest, or as all the locals call it "Brew Fest." I must say that I was a bit optimistic that it was going to be worth the $30.00 I paid for each ticket but it definately was. I enjoyed every minute of it (the porta-potties weren't even that nasty). The weather was great too. It sprinkled for about an hour on and off but it was awsome. We went with a group of friends (Julie, Chuck, Matt's Daddy-Wesley, and Dave) and ran into others while we were there.

some sort in men's Hula Hooping. :)
Anyway, we had a blast and will probably be going back next year. Can't beat getting to go to three or more different tents and getting to sample beer from over 100 brewers from the Midwest. I kinda lost count after beer sample 11. LOL.
Wanna know more, lemme know. Wanna go next year, lemme know. :)
At 11:19 PM,
Jamie said…
Mmm Beer. Sounds like fun. Beer + Sun = Fun
At 9:26 AM,
Heather said…
It was a blast. Maybe you should come out next year for it. :)
At 11:01 AM,
Heather said…
Awe..I deleted my first blog comment spam.
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