What's On My Mind Today?

"You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one" --John Lennon

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Stupid Laws--revisited

I know I wrote about this months ago but I just had to revisit it. In today's "irresistible news," was an article about Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law which took place on Saturday, October 1st (which coincidentally was also the first day that Bob Iger took over for Michael Eisner at Disney...Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not). WTF?!?!? Okay, it's bad enough that rednecks are running around in the south with guns, now you make it LEGAL for them to shoot someone just because they feel "threatened?" Geeze people.

A gun control activist interviewed in Miami said "there is no other state in the nation and no other civilized nation on Earth that has a law like this." Leave it to the south and leave it to Florida. So visitors and vacationers, watch your backs and don't "threaten" any rednecks cause they're more likely to shoot you now than before..it's legal now. Let's just hope that once Jeb is no longer governor of Florida, that this law will be overturned.

I will end with another quote...this one from supporters of this new Florida law "it will make Florida safer." Is it coincidence too that these supporters are backed by the NRA? Hmmmm.


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