May Day
Yesterday was May Day for those of you who did not know. It is celebrated around the world for several reasons. The one reason that comes to my mind is the celebration of the first day of May and the coming summer. Yesterday was anything but that here in Southern Wisconsin. While waiting in line to buy tickets to this years Great Taste of the Midwest...or the Brew Fest, we got the great joy of being cold (only 43 degrees outside with wind) and slightly wet from the rain that turned into sleet that turned into snow. Yes, Snow on the first day of May. WTF?!?
I woke up at 6 this morning and saw at least an inch of snow on my car from earlier this morning. By 7:30 it was all melted but come on. It's May. That means it's Spring. That means it should be warm.
Maybe I'm spouting but I'm from Florida where it's usually 80 something by this time of the year. I sure hope it warms up soon or I'm gonna have the Spring Blues again. I want to go to the Farmers Market this weekend but if it's gonna be thank you. It is 37 out right now...our high is supposed to be 48 and our low tonight...drum roll please...29. I'm just loving it. Had to dig my Winter coat Spring! This is just WRONG people. I can understand it if we lived in the mountains, but Southern Wisconsin is pretty flat...we're just on the boarder to Illinois...the flattest (and longest, most boring state to drive through) state ever. different subject. Yeah...Matt and I are proud owners of sought after tickets to Brew Fest. Sweet. We were originally going to get tickets at JT Whitney's, a brew pub here in town, but unfortunately they didn't inform us that they were putting people's names on lists starting at 8 a.m. yesterday morning (the news letter I got in the mail last week from JT's said they'd open doors at 10 a.m. and start selling at noon and no lists were going to be involved). But luckily we got in line somewhere else and we (me, Matt, and two friends) have 16 tickets...5 more than we need. Hehe. We'll get rid of them. I have no doubt in my mind. So, Paul...we have a ticket for you if you wanna come out. :) So, despite the crappy weather yesterday, it turned out tickets and watched Jeff Gordon win the race at Talladega Superspeedway.
So, guess I've rambled on enough for today. Will catch ya'll later. Hopefully the weather will shape up and be Spring like soon.
I woke up at 6 this morning and saw at least an inch of snow on my car from earlier this morning. By 7:30 it was all melted but come on. It's May. That means it's Spring. That means it should be warm.
Maybe I'm spouting but I'm from Florida where it's usually 80 something by this time of the year. I sure hope it warms up soon or I'm gonna have the Spring Blues again. I want to go to the Farmers Market this weekend but if it's gonna be thank you. It is 37 out right now...our high is supposed to be 48 and our low tonight...drum roll please...29. I'm just loving it. Had to dig my Winter coat Spring! This is just WRONG people. I can understand it if we lived in the mountains, but Southern Wisconsin is pretty flat...we're just on the boarder to Illinois...the flattest (and longest, most boring state to drive through) state ever. different subject. Yeah...Matt and I are proud owners of sought after tickets to Brew Fest. Sweet. We were originally going to get tickets at JT Whitney's, a brew pub here in town, but unfortunately they didn't inform us that they were putting people's names on lists starting at 8 a.m. yesterday morning (the news letter I got in the mail last week from JT's said they'd open doors at 10 a.m. and start selling at noon and no lists were going to be involved). But luckily we got in line somewhere else and we (me, Matt, and two friends) have 16 tickets...5 more than we need. Hehe. We'll get rid of them. I have no doubt in my mind. So, Paul...we have a ticket for you if you wanna come out. :) So, despite the crappy weather yesterday, it turned out tickets and watched Jeff Gordon win the race at Talladega Superspeedway.
So, guess I've rambled on enough for today. Will catch ya'll later. Hopefully the weather will shape up and be Spring like soon.
At 6:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
When I was young we used to make May Day bouquets in school and then you were supposd to hang them on someone's door, ring the bell and run and hide and watch how surprised they were. My favorite memory tho is when Paul brought one home and hung it on the door for me. There's more to that story but another time another place.
At 9:39 AM,
Heather said… fun. We never made May Day Baskets or anything in school. What a great memory. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story about Pauly-Poo. :)
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